Dan's Mathematical Glassware!
Fall 2018

So, I had this wonderful set of glasses...

(I use the past tense because I've now broken 3 of the 4 glasses)

...but I got these photos taken while they were all still intact!

Here are the front sides of the first two: Pi and Phi (the golden ratio)

And here are the backs of the same glasses, with the values marked on the scale.
Pi = 3.14159..., and Phi = 1.618...

And here are the front sides of the other two glasses: the square root of two, and e (the natural logarithm)

I find it very cool that ALL of these quantities are between 1 and 4...which lets them all fit on a 4-ounce scale!

The square root of two = 1.414..., and e = 2.718...

(It's also cool that every one of these numbers is irrational!)

Thanks for reading!